What does the Church of God have in common with the Churches of Christ?

Recently (June 6, 2018), I had the privilege to spend the day with a wonderful group of theologians and scholars representing the Churches of Christ. My friend, Tony Richie, and I were invited to attend the Christian Scholars Conference hosted by Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. We were participants in an ecumenical dialogue. So, does the Church of God have anything in common with the Churches of Christ?

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Did Peter Deny the Trinity?

The Apostle Peter is notorious for his threefold denial of Jesus (Mark 14:66ff). But did Peter also deny that God is Holy Trinity? Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost is a model of apostolic preaching and doctrine. In that sermon, Peter declared,

Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).

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Immigrants, Refugees, and Loving Neighbors

What did Jesus mean when he said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27)? Too many evangelicals in the USA are acting like self-justifying Pharisees who answered Jesus with a question that reveals a glaring lack of compassion: “Who is our neighbor?” (Luke 10:29). This kind of self-justification demonstrates a heart closed towards God and humanity. Recent Pew research signifies that “white evangelical Protestants say the U.S. does not have a responsibility to accept refugees.” Really?

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Bishop Michael Curry’s Powerful Sermon

Most of us have heard Bishop Michael Curry’s powerful message at the wedding of Harry and Megan.  It was a powerful gospel sermon preached with the fire of Pentecost. I have noticed that my social media feed has been populated with strong affirmations of his message from friends on the left and right. All acknowledged the power of his message. But there is more to be considered.

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