A Political Gospel has Fallen from Grace

You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace (Galatians 5:4).

Paul was deeply concerned about the believers at Galatia. Some of the leaders have disturbed the church by preaching a “distorted” gospel (1:7). The believers have deserted Christ by embracing “a different gospel” (1:6). This distorted gospel has “bewitched” the Galatian believers (3:1) to such an extent that they “have been severed from Christ,” they have “fallen from grace” (5:4). What heresy had they embraced? They were “seeking to be justified by law” (5:4). In seeking to be made righteous by the law they were distorting the Gospel of Christ.

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Prosperity with Purpose

The “prosperity gospel” is notorious for multi-million dollar mansions, extravagant clothing, expensive automobiles, and personal jets for charismatic evangelists. Reverend Ike, the forerunner of prosperity preachers, proclaimed, “I don’t want my pie in the sky, I want it now!” Creflo Dollar has exhorted, “What’s good news to a poor man? You don’t have to be poor anymore!” The goal of the prosperity gospel is personal enrichment and the sanctification of greed.

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Why do we talk to Snakes?

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). God created humanity for the sake of divine-human fellowship. Humans – male and female – were created in God’s image and were given dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26-27). God’s breath gave life to humanity (Genesis 2:7). The first humans were clothed in God’s glory (Psalm 8:5). As God speaks, the divine breath continues to give life. As God conversed with the first humans God’s words were the source of life. So, why bother conversing with a snake?

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The Issues of Slavery and Women are Related

In conversations regarding the role of women in the church it has been said that the issues of women and slavery in the Bible are unrelated. The point being that we should view slavery as a systemic human evil; but the submission of women in the church and society is a matter of God’s order in creation. But, in fact the issues of slavery and women are indeed related. The Apostle Paul says so.

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Church of God Administrative Bishops should be Pastors

At the 2012 General Assembly of the Church of God I offered a motion relative to the qualifications of Administrative Bishops.

That we amend page 100, S21. STATE OVERSEERS, II. Qualifications, by adding the following as paragraph 6:

6. Must have at least 10 years experience as a local church pastor (This motion will not affect those under current appointment).

The motion was referred to committee and eventually fell into a black hole. I am happy to see a version of that motion on the agenda for the 2018 General Assembly:

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I am “Vulcan” Pentecostal

I have been a fan of Star Trek since childhood. I love the crew of the Enterprise. The bridge crew represents the best of humanity and the diversity of humanity.  As a child, I dreamed of graduating from Starfleet Academy. Captain Kirk was my hero. Dr. “Bones” McCoy reminded me of our family doctor. But the character with whom I most identified was Mr. Spock. In fact, I have recently referred to myself as a Vulcan Pentecostal.

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