In Memory of Dr. George D. Voorhis

In the Fall of 1978, I traveled through snow and ice in the Carolinas on my way to college – East Coast Bible College in Charlotte, NC. After graduating from high school, I had applied to, and been accepted, at Lee College, Oral Roberts University, and East Coast Bible College. I chose the small, relatively new school in Charlotte. I’ve never regretted that decision.

Dr. George Voorhis was the founding president of East Coast Bible College (ECBC). When I arrived, ECBC was a small college of less than 300 students. Even so, the faculty and administration were deeply committed to Pentecostal scholarship. In addition to serving as president, George Voorhis taught theology and Bible courses. He was a master teacher and preacher. He was my first formal teacher in theology.

The first class was Introduction to Theology. In this class, Dr. Voorhis introduced us to theological terms from A to Z. It was a basic class with weekly quizzes in which we had to properly spell and define each term. There was also that test in which we had to write the fourteen articles of the Church of God Declaration of Faith from memory. Along the way, he taught us how to think about theology. If theological language is similar to speaking in tongues (and it often is), then Dr. Voorhis nurtured the spiritual gifts of discernment and interpretation. I can state without reservation that Dr. Voorhis established in me a firm foundation for biblical scholarship and inspired Pentecostal witness.

After leaving ECBC in 1980 to accept a pastorate in Georgia, I rarely saw Dr. Voorhis. From time to time, we would see each other at the Church of God International Assembly. I regret I didn’t do a better job at staying in touch. But his passion and influence always remained with me.

Dr. George Voorhis died on December 27, 2021. He will remain a pillar of faith in the Church of God until Jesus comes.

