Assessing the work of Pentecostal Theological Seminary

One of my responsibilities at Pentecostal Theological Seminary is to conduct an annual assessment of our recent graduates to determine how our graduate programs are serving our constituency. I would like to share some of the results from our 2019 graduating class. The constituency of the Church of God should be very pleased with the work PTS is doing.

First, following are the demographics of the 2019 graduating class:

  • Gender:      71.2% Male, 28.8% Female
  • Race/Ethnicity:     60.3% White, 23.3% Black/African American, 8.2% Hispanic/Latino of any race, 6.8% Asian, 1.4% Other
  • Denominational Affiliation: 74% Church of God (Cleveland TN), 5.5% Church of God of Prophecy, 11% Other Pentecostal/Charismatic,  9.6% Other Non-Pentecostal, Non-Charismatic
Following questions assess PTS in regard to learning outcomes. Scores are based on a linear scale with 1 representing “Don’t Know” and 10 representing “Strongly Agree”.
Biblical Studies courses aided in the acquisition of skills necessary to interpret and understand the Scriptures.                                                                  9.37
Biblical Studies courses emphasized that integrity grows out of Biblical roots and is manifested in spiritually fruitful, interpersonal relationships. 9.29
Biblical Studies courses encouraged sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in all areas of life and ministry, especially in anointed preaching and teaching of the Word.  9.26
Theological studies courses taught the faith and history of the Church, especially the themes which have figured prominently in the Holiness/Pentecostal Movement. 9.6
Theological studies courses promote a historically informed appreciation of the doctrines and ministries of the Church in today’s world.  9.22
Theological studies courses provide a theological foundation for a ministry of servant leadership.  9.12
Theological studies courses provide a theological foundation for a commitment to a global, multicultural Church with a mission to all peoples. 9.17
Theological studies courses instill a sense of the relationship between doctrine, spiritual formation and ministry practice.  9.34
Pastoral and leadership studies facilitate the development of a theology and practice of ministry which is Biblically sound, historically informed, and relevant to contemporary human needs. 9.19
Pastoral and leadership studies impart a comprehensive and integrated vision of the human condition in order to enable one to minister to the whole person in his or her socio-cultural setting. 9.06
Personal Formation for Ministry studies cultivate the development of a personal identity in Christ which integrates one’s personal story with that of the people of God and the mission of the Church. 9.27
Personal Formation for Ministry studies nurture commitment to lifelong discipleship characterized by unity within the body of Christ, stewardship in a local congregation, worship, and spiritual disciplines.  9.12
Personal Formation for Ministry studies provides a community of faith and fellowship that enriches the student’s life and family for ministry in the Church. 9.05
The community of faith groups were an important element of Christian formation at PTS. 8.78

We also assessed student’s regarding gainful employment, ie: Did their PTS degree increase their earning potential?

My degree program increased my competence in the practices of ministry/vocation. 9.37
My degree program added economic value to my ministry/vocation. (This number is a little lower, primarily because many of our students enter their graduate program already employed). 6.93
Present employment, title, or job description related to your Seminary degree:

Senior Pastor / Lead Pastor 31.9%, Associate/Staff Pastor 13%, Military or Institutional Chaplain 5.8%, Denominational Administration 11.6%, Educational Faculty 1.4%, Missionary 1.4%, Counseling 4.3%; Para-church, non-government organization, or not for profit 2.9%, Government or public service 1.4%, Other 18.8%.

As you can see, if we add all those who are involved in some type of church ministry (senior pastor, staff pastor, administration, evangelist, missionary) 65.1% of PTS graduates are involved in Great Commission ministry.

PTS is always working to assess our programs so that we may improve our work and better serve our constituency.

