What can we Learn from Samson & Donald Trump?

We all have heroes. My childhood hero was Captain James T. Kirk, commander of the Starship Enterprise. Captain Kirk led the crew of the Enterprise on weekly treks to “explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!” But that’s science fiction. I have other heroes, real men and women who acted heroically in the face of great danger. Jesus Christ is the first to come to mind. But there are others: Athanasius, George Washington, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Martin Luther King, Jr. As a child, one of my favorite biblical heroes was Samson. What makes a hero?

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Politics of Intoxication

Warning! If you have a thin political skin do not read further because you will be offended.

One of the three great temptations of Christ in the wilderness was to bow before the gods of this world so that he might inherit the glory of the kingdoms of this world. Jesus refused to bow. Instead, he laid down his life, was lifted high upon a cross for the powers of this world to mock, was executed and buried. So much for humanity’s desire for a new world order. This present world order will do just fine, thank you very much.

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Avoiding Toxic Leadership: Integrity and Accountability

One of the signs of toxic leadership is when the leader believes that his/her integrity is beyond scrutiny. In the church we see this all too often. In fact, the church is often a breeding ground for toxic leaders. I’m not just talking about false prophets, charlatans, and those guilty scandalous immorality. Sometimes the toxic leaders in our midst have a high moral standard, hold to doctrinal orthodoxy, and are sincere in their desire to faithfully serve Christ. The church is a fertile breeding ground for this type of toxic leadership because we tend to idolize leaders we respect and our respected leaders become too accustomed to our accolades. Also, we certainly don’t want to get the reputation of being a trouble-maker.

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