Let’s Begin a Conversation about Sex

I prepared a series of  brief conversations on “A Christian Perspective on Human Sexuality.” These are in production for video presentation in the Church of God Division of Education DOE1 project. I am presenting the manuscripts here. This is part 1 of 9.

The sexual revolution is seeking to redefine humanity in ways in which sexual functions and gender roles are not fixed, but fluid, even changing from day to day. The purpose of this conversation is twofold: first, we must be willing and able to disciple the Christian community; and second, we must engage this conversation outside the Christian community as a public witness.

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A Compromised Sexual Ethic

In recent years we have been overwhelmed with a flood of sexual immorality in the church. The Roman Catholic Church has a long standing crisis with homosexual priests (see here, here, and here). Mainline Protestants have virtually surrendered the concept of a Christian sexual morality. Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches struggle as well. Even as conservative churches half-heartedly promote a traditional sexual ethic it is being compromised from pulpit to pew.

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Grace for Sexual Sin

I’ve learned some things about sin: (1) all have sinned; (2) we are often happy to talk about someone else’s sin; (3) those sins that directly affect us tend to get overlooked, or excused; and (4) eventually we stop talking about sin because we are uncomfortable with our sinfulness, and we don’t want to be accused of being judgmental toward others. This is especially true when it comes to sexual sin. However, the truth remains that sin is the condition of humanity – all of us. And, there is a remedy for sin.

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