What is a Liberal?

In the current political and theological climate, to be designated a liberal by those of my tribe is to be assigned the mark of the beast. The term liberal itself is deemed to be synonymous with leftist, progressive, and even communist. In fact, there are important distinctions. For the sake of this reflection, I wish to limit my remarks to define theological liberalism.
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Is Pentecostalism Becoming an Exercise in Liberalism?

In the Garden of Eden, God provided two trees – the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of Life is the knowledge of God. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is life without the knowledge of God. To eat of the Tree of Life is to acknowledge that humans need God to flourish. To eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is to suggest that we can find our own way. This ancient narrative offers an appropriate way of understanding the affinity for liberal theology.

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