Let’s Prove the Distinction between Christianity and Islam

I understand, but do not share, the fear that many express regarding Muslim refugees being settled in the USA. This may be an opportunity for Christian mission – to share and demonstrate the gospel of Christ. Let’s prove to the world that there is a distinction between Christianity and Islam. Let’s demonstrate the love of Christ and make room for these refugees. The USA is “the land of the free and home of the brave.” So, let’s be brave and bold.

However, we should do so with our eyes wide open to the risks. This administration is demonstrating an amazing lack of clarity in dealing with a very real and dangerous threat. The secular left (aka elitist Democrats) does not understand the power of the religious imagination. Islamist do not understand, nor share, American values. Freedom and justice for all includes American citizens, so our government must take seriously its duty to protect its citizens. It’s not racism or intolerance to insist that the government act responsibly.
Timothy_McVeighFinally, let’s not forget that one of the most horrendous acts of terror in the USA was committed by Timothy McVeigh, an American. Let’s not forget that in the not too distant past many acts of terror were committed by Americans wearing white sheets and burning crosses. The darkness of the human heart is not limited by culture, religion, or politics. The good news is that the gospel of Christ is not limited by culture, religion, or politics.
