A Conversation about Sex – Part 8: Such were Some of You

The Gospel of Jesus Christ comes with a warning and a promise: The warning is “the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God… neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals…” The promise is: “

Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God (1 Cor 6:9-11).

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A Conversation about Sex – Part 7: Abortion

The world of the ancient near east in which is Christianity was born was harsh towards children. Abortion and exposure were common practices, most often for economic reasons. Even so, the Church has always prophetically spoken regarding the value of every child. It is not an exaggeration to suggest that conception and birth are sacred events in the theology of the church.

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A Conversation about Sex – Part 5: The Body as a Temple

The sexual morality of the Hebrew scriptures was vastly different from the sexual culture of the Greco-Roman world in which Christianity was born. Brothers sometimes married their sisters to protect family property rights. Bisexuality was taken for granted. Homosexuality was natural, socially acceptable, even idealized, known as “Greek love.” Pederasty (sex with boys) was a particular privilege. Powerful men gathered “herds of boys”. Although women were generally prohibited from “adultery”, they were encouraged to engage in lesbian relationships. Exposure of infants & abortion was freely practiced. Sexual conduct was largely informed by issues of economics and power.

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A Conversation about Sex – Part 4: What did Jesus say about Sex?

Before we discuss what Jesus said about sex, we should take a moment to ask how Jesus’ own sexuality informs Christian understanding. According to the witness of the Gospels, Jesus was never married and never engaged in sexual activity. Jesus was celibate. Jesus was fully and perfectly human and lived a fulfilled life without being married and having sex. A man doesn’t need a woman to be fulfilled. A woman doesn’t need a man to be fully human. Men and women need God. Celibacy should be seen as a viable option, and certainly to be preferred over sexual immorality.

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A Conversation about Sex – Part 3: The Holiness Code

A few years ago, a young man announced to his family, “I’m gay, I’m not broke, so don’t try to fix me.” I replied, “Sir, we’re all broke and we all need to be fixed.” When the Bible tells us of the sexual dysfunction of the heroes of the Faith, there is no effort to normalize, or affirm, their sinfulness. Instead, the sacred text is careful to tell us of the consequences of their disordered behavior.

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