“Give us a President!”

As we enter the 2016 presidential election cycle I am reminded that the people of Israel sought a king (1 Samuel 8:5). Saul was impressive and anointed by the Spirit of God. But his ascension as king was little more than tolerated idolatry. On the day that Samuel presented Saul as their king God said, “I brought up Israel out of Egypt… but today you have rejected your God…” (1 Samuel 10:19). Humans tend to idolize their leaders, even as we acknowledge that the best leaders have feet of clay. In fact, we seem to prefer flawed leaders. It’s tough to admit that our gods are little more than grandiose representations of ourselves.

As Christians in both parties seek to elect a new president, may we prayerfully remember that devotion to a president is little more than tolerated idolatry. All presidential candidates are woefully inadequate to heal the disease of human civilization. I’m not suggesting that we should abandon the political process, but we must remember that the political process reflects the sinfulness of the people and the corruption of institutions. I’m not suggesting that all politicians are equally corrupt. In electing a president we should carefully choose a person who represents the best of us.  But no president is messiah.

The people of Israel desired a king and God gave them a dynasty – a succession of failed leaders that ended in the Babylonian Captivity. Israel rejected God in favor of a tolerated idolatry. When Israel rejected God in favor of a king “like the nations,” they got what they deserved. In choosing a king, Israel brought judgment upon themselves.

Jesus entered Jerusalem a midst the cheers of “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” But he was not the king they had anticipated and before the week was over the crowds cried out, “Crucify him!” There is an ancient tradition that there were two accused men named Jesus standing before Pilate on that fateful day – Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Barabbas. In effect Pilate was asking, “Which Jesus do you choose?” The crowds answered, “Give us Barabbas!” So much for the discernment of the people.

Like Israel we cry out, “Give us a president!” If we insist on the idolatry of presidential politics, then we are rejecting Lordship of Jesus Christ. When the presidential candidates are compared to our glorious Lord, they are seriously wanting. When we idolize presidents we deserve their arrogance, brokenness, and corruption. When we embrace the tolerated idolatry of presidential politics over the mission of God, then we are instrumental in bringing judgement upon ourselves.

I will vote for president, but I do so with the understanding that I am choosing an egotistical, corrupt, and incompetent human being. The new president will not disappoint me.

