Does Theology Really Matter?

A recent study sponsored by Ligonier Ministries and conducted by Lifeway Research sought to discern what Americans believe about God. It revealed that American Christians are confused about core Christian doctrine. It appears that 71% of American Evangelicals agree with the statement “Jesus is the first and greatest creature created by God.” The answers to other questions seem to demonstrate that most American Christians hold to some form of beliefs that do not reflect orthodox Nicene Theology. That many pastors don’t know what “Nicene Theology” is may demonstrate the source of American theological illiteracy. But the real question is “Does it matter?”

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Politics of Intoxication

Warning! If you have a thin political skin do not read further because you will be offended.

One of the three great temptations of Christ in the wilderness was to bow before the gods of this world so that he might inherit the glory of the kingdoms of this world. Jesus refused to bow. Instead, he laid down his life, was lifted high upon a cross for the powers of this world to mock, was executed and buried. So much for humanity’s desire for a new world order. This present world order will do just fine, thank you very much.

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